Friday 28 March 2014


Being cool on Facebook is one part discretion, one part creativity, one part common sense and one part being community oriented. Coolness isn't about pushing your opinions and ideas down everyone else's news feed and it isn't about exposing yourself in embarrassing ways. Cool Facebook users are calm, self-regulated, caring and engaged participants who know what the limits of Facebook are and how to get the best out of the time spent on Facebook (without making that too much time). Here are just a few sensible ways to be cool on Facebook.
  1. 1
    Have a life outside of Facebook. Facebook is a way to keep others in your life, not a way to create a life, so go out and have yours, in full dimension. Facebook isn't proof that you have friends––friends need real life interaction, not stacking up in a list. Checking your Facebook and keeping your profile up to date are one thing, so don't spend all your time on what should be a tool you use wisely.
  2. Be Cool on Facebook Step 2.jpg
    Avoid typical updates and seek the quirky instead. When talking to your friends using Facebook, avoid the dull details that you'd never share face to face. Knowing your daily movements (interpret that however you like) and your boredom quotient isn't fascinating to anyone and it's definitely not cool. Instead, look for ways to say interesting, different and quirky things that will cause your friends to want to read more. For example, if you discover a friend likes the same band as you, say something like: "Hey I love (blah) too! Do you have their new album?" and then go on to talk about how you were listening to their track when you accidentally dropped a wedding cake on your uncle's dog, or something equally unusual and funny. Seek always to inject good humor into your Facebook interactions. Be truthful if you can, but there is probably some link you can make with something weird that has happened to you and something on their profile.
    • Change your status about once every two days. Clear it when you haven't done anything interesting recently, rather than posting "Kate has just eaten a sandwich". Keep your post vague, so that all the mystery of your regular life is not revealed immediately.

    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 3.jpg
      Post regularly but not with such frequency that people think you're wired to Facebook. As a community member, you will be considered cool for participating regularly. However, the cool can veer into uncool all too easily if you overdo your participation and flood people with your messages. Too many messages will come across as overbearing or annoying and you might lose connections as a result.Avoid posting unless you have something interesting to say. Regularity isn't an excuse for banality.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 4.jpg
      Keep your posts short and pithy. Long posts are a bore and aren't what Facebook was intended for. Short and sweet will keep your Facebook reputation cool, allowing your friends to graze for the tidbits quickly. Keep your information to a few sentences maximum. If you feel the urge to say more, here are some good options:
      • Get yourself a blog. If you want to explore an issue in-depth over several pages, a blog is the place to be. Your followers will join because that's what they expect. On Facebook, nobody expects this!
      • Write a novel or an insightful editorial piece.
      • If you have something personal to say to a friend, then say it in person or via private message rather than expressing it openly on Facebook.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 5.jpg
      Compliment people. Being cool is about focusing beyond yourself and recognizing the good others have done and said. Remember to ask others what they've been up to instead of assuming they care about what you've been up to. By asking people about themselves, you compliment them and they'll want to talk to you again. They'll see you as someone worth cultivating.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 6.jpg
      Don't be nosy. Would you be nosy in real life? The bet is that you wouldn't be half as nosy as you might be tempted to be on Facebook where the social constraints seem less real and actionable. Instead, be constrained and don't go about delving for information in ways that seem pushy or suspicious. Above all, be discreet––post information about yourself and others that is fine for anyone to read; if it's not fit for public consumption, it's not fit for Facebook.
      • Don't leave comments asking people about their status updates and relationship status changes unless you know them very well. Even then, keep any comment short and avoid making assumptions. What they're saying may well be very different from what you're understanding. If you really must know what's going on, ask them privately.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 7.jpg
      Don't rush to answer everything. Facebook isn't ping pong. You don't need to volley back every post, question or comment. Some things don't need to be commented on at all. Others could probably do with no more than a brief acknowledgement, such as "OK" or "Sounds great". Also, slow down your pace when you do respond. For example, if someone invites you to an event, don't respond yes or no right away. Go with "Maybe" and take your time even answering that way. From a coolness factor, answering yes too fast might seem too available or desperate; from a practical factor, it's lovely to have wriggle room when you realize you really can't be bothered participating later.
      • Wait a few minutes before answering any person's first post, maybe 4 or 5, longer even if you have something else to do (you do have something else to do, right?). However, don't ignore the person when it's clear you're online––leaving a response hanging for 20 minutes is just rude and shows a lack of respect or care for the person. Think how you'd feel and gauge your responsiveness accordingly.
  3. Be Cool on Facebook Step 1.jpg
    Have a life outside of Facebook. Facebook is a way to keep others in your life, not a way to create a life, so go out and have yours, in full dimension. Facebook isn't proof that you have friends––friends need real life interaction, not stacking up in a list. Checking your Facebook and keeping your profile up to date are one thing, so don't spend all your time on what should be a tool you use wisely.
  4. Be Cool on Facebook Step 2.jpg
    Avoid typical updates and seek the quirky instead. When talking to your friends using Facebook, avoid the dull details that you'd never share face to face. Knowing your daily movements (interpret that however you like) and your boredom quotient isn't fascinating to anyone and it's definitely not cool. Instead, look for ways to say interesting, different and quirky things that will cause your friends to want to read more. For example, if you discover a friend likes the same band as you, say something like: "Hey I love (blah) too! Do you have their new album?" and then go on to talk about how you were listening to their track when you accidentally dropped a wedding cake on your uncle's dog, or something equally unusual and funny. Seek always to inject good humor into your Facebook interactions. Be truthful if you can, but there is probably some link you can make with something weird that has happened to you and something on their profile.
    • Change your status about once every two days. Clear it when you haven't done anything interesting recently, rather than posting "Kate has just eaten a sandwich". Keep your post vague, so that all the mystery of your regular life is not revealed immediately.
  5. Be Cool on Facebook Step 3.jpg
    Post regularly but not with such frequency that people think you're wired to Facebook. As a community member, you will be considered cool for participating regularly. However, the cool can veer into uncool all too easily if you overdo your participation and flood people with your messages. Too many messages will come across as overbearing or annoying and you might lose connections as a result.
    • Avoid posting unless you have something interesting to say. Regularity isn't an excuse for banality.
  6. Be Cool on Facebook Step 4.jpg
    Keep your posts short and pithy. Long posts are a bore and aren't what Facebook was intended for. Short and sweet will keep your Facebook reputation cool, allowing your friends to graze for the tidbits quickly. Keep your information to a few sentences maximum. If you feel the urge to say more, here are some good options:
    • Get yourself a blog. If you want to explore an issue in-depth over several pages, a blog is the place to be. Your followers will join because that's what they expect. On Facebook, nobody expects this!
    • Write a novel or an insightful editorial piece.
    • If you have something personal to say to a friend, then say it in person or via private message rather than expressing it openly on Facebook.
  7. Be Cool on Facebook Step 5.jpg
    Compliment people. Being cool is about focusing beyond yourself and recognizing the good others have done and said. Remember to ask others what they've been up to instead of assuming they care about what you've been up to. By asking people about themselves, you compliment them and they'll want to talk to you again. They'll see you as someone worth cultivating.
  8. Be Cool on Facebook Step 6.jpg
    Don't be nosy. Would you be nosy in real life? The bet is that you wouldn't be half as nosy as you might be tempted to be on Facebook where the social constraints seem less real and actionable. Instead, be constrained and don't go about delving for information in ways that seem pushy or suspicious. Above all, be discreet––post information about yourself and others that is fine for anyone to read; if it's not fit for public consumption, it's not fit for Facebook.
    • Don't leave comments asking people about their status updates and relationship status changes unless you know them very well. Even then, keep any comment short and avoid making assumptions. What they're saying may well be very different from what you're understanding. If you really must know what's going on, ask them privately.
  9. Be Cool on Facebook Step 7.jpg
    Don't rush to answer everything. Facebook isn't ping pong. You don't need to volley back every post, question or comment. Some things don't need to be commented on at all. Others could probably do with no more than a brief acknowledgement, such as "OK" or "Sounds great". Also, slow down your pace when you do respond. For example, if someone invites you to an event, don't respond yes or no right away. Go with "Maybe" and take your time even answering that way. From a coolness factor, answering yes too fast might seem too available or desperate; from a practical factor, it's lovely to have wriggle room when you realize you really can't be bothered participating later.
    • Wait a few minutes before answering any person's first post, maybe 4 or 5, longer even if you have something else to do (you do have something else to do, right?). However, don't ignore the person when it's clear you're online––leaving a response hanging for 20 minutes is just rude and shows a lack of respect or care for the person. Think how you'd feel and gauge your responsiveness accordingly.
  10. 8
    Write polite and thoughtful Facebook posts. Think about posts before you write them, and wait two minutes between reading and posting a message, update or reply. Spell properly (there is nothing to be gained by being a sloppy speller), with the exception of recognized and accepted shortcuts (such as LOL and BTW). Keeping it casual is fine but misprinting words just because you can't be bothered to check the spelling isn't cool. Do you want to come across as informed? Then write well.
    • Use occasional emoticons. Smileys are nice, as long as you don't use them in every post or stack them up with exclamation marks and crazy comments.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 9.jpg
      Be clear and choose your words with care. Much of what we mean comes from our careful (or not-so-careful) choice of words.
      • Use line break, commas and periods (full stops) to help people understand what you're saying. Also, use normal capitalization––avoid typing everything in upper case as it isn't appropriate either from a grammar point of view or an etiquette one (it's considered to represent shouting in the online environment and even if you already know that, if you've forgotten, then remind yourself).
      • State facts, don't gossip. Obscure references to things you've overheard or misread can spark chains of online rumors. Don't let things like that get out of hand. Always check your facts before making bold assertions or statements.
      • Don't write anything vulgar or sexually oriented. On the whole, most people have such a diverse range of friends that you need to be mindful of a broad audience. If you want to be crass, go to IM with your equally good humored crass-minded friend and get it off your chest in private. When in public view, relax and show you're a normal person everyone feels comfortable talking to.
    • Be Cool on Facebook Step 10.jpg
      Realize that just because you care about a cause or game, you don't have a right to intimidate people with it. Unfortunately, some rather uncool behavior has appeared on Facebook when it comes to promoting a cause or personal excitement about Facebook linked games. And some people think it's okay to shove their cause in the faces of their friends on a regular basis, winding up to a belting crescendo that guilt people into signing petitions or sending on messages on behalf of the cause or their new initiative. This isn't anywhere near cool––it's invasive and it's exhausting. You'll lose friends if you overdo your passion for anything. Other things to be careful with include:
      • If you have a few applications that you like, that's great. But don't invite all your friends to do hundreds of quizzes and then clog up your profile with 17 different "Are you snap, crackle or pop?" questionnaires. It grows tiresome very quickly and leaves the impression that you're stuck in Facebook.
      • Don't send bumper stickers more than once a week.
      • Who cares if your virtual crops are increasing, your virtual home has had a redesign, or you've become a virtual millionaire on some game? Keep updates about game exploits to an absolute minimum or you risk boring your friends to death.
    • 11
      Be friendly, relaxed and true to yourself. If you don't feel this trio of self-empowerment, turn off the social media connection until your mojo is restored––often a good sleep or an afternoon off will do the trick. Coolness wears off quickly when you're snappy, irritable and clearly self-absorbed on Facebook.

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